Utlilizing on our extensive experience in producing large conferences and in partnership development, CCS is proud to serve as the lead producer of the California Vision 2020 conference to be held in Sacramento, September 20-22, 2018.

Building on a Successful Inaugural 2017 Event
The second annual California Vision 2020 conference will be held on September 20-22, 2018, in Sacramento. Bringing together diverse agents of change to cross-pollinate and inspire others to join their efforts, the conference aims to rekindle hope for the future and more strongly establish California as a leader for the nation. By transcending partisan divide and showcasing innovative current and proposed solutions for social, economic and environmental issues, this conference series (planned annually through 2020) serves as an incubator for envisioning and co-creating a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous state.

Combining keynote addresses, panel presentations and musical performances, as well as roundtable discussions and other opportunities for learning and renewal, the event aims to bring together the rich diversity of our state, and help participants leave feeling empowered, inspired, engaged and motivated to work together to build a better California.

Join us to gain inspiration from bold vision plus opportunities for action, as we feature breakthrough solutions, game-changing ideas, deep dialogue, dazzling artistry and connections to a community of amazing leaders in Social Action, Politics, Business, and Personal Transformation.

Click here to learn more!